Personalized presbyopia surgery

Personalized presbyopia surgery

Presbyopia or tired eyes usually appear after 40-45 years of age due to the natural ageing of the eye. In general terms, it is the difficulty that occurs when looking at nearby objects and this increases with the passing of the years.  

In Vithas Eurocanarias Instituto Oftalmológico we have the latest technology to correct presbyopia with personalized attention for each patient. Request your appointment now. 

What is presbyopia?

Presbyopia refers to the difficulty to see closely, especially from 40-45 years of age. This occurs when the lens begins to lose elasticity and, therefore, makes it difficult to see nearby objects.  

This problem increases over the years and is closely related to eye ageing. 


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    The symptoms that warn of presbyopia are:  

    • Blurry vision 
    • Difficulty focusing objects at close distances 
    • Eye fatigue 
    • Headache 
    • The need to move away objects to see them clearly 

    The treatment of presbyopia can be approached by two techniques: one based on the implantation of intraocular lenses (phaco-active surgery) or by the use of laser (Presbylasik).  

    Presbylasik, laser use, to correct presbyopia 

    It is a corneal refractive surgery technique that allows correcting presbyopia. It is a painless procedure and only requires the use of local anaesthesia via eye drops.  

    The objective of this intervention is to modify the asperity of the cornea and to give it a certain multifocality. This allows you to have more depth of focus in the eye and improve vision both at a distance and at medium or close distances.  

    In addition, this technique allows to correct the refractive defects of the patient by a non-invasive way and in the cornea. 

    In which patients can the laser be applied? 

    The ideal candidate to perform surgery with Presbylasik must meet these requirements: 

    • Be between 40 and 60 years old 
    • A lens density less than 20 
    • An eye diameter equal to or greater than 11.5 mm 
    • The pupils should range between 3-6 mm 
    • Having far-sightedness or myopia up to 4 dioptres 
    • Astigmatism less than 1.5 

    This intervention is not recommended in patients with cataracts or problems with the retina or cornea. 

    The implantation of intraocular lenses to correct presbyopia 

    When a patient does not have an eye that is suitable for laser surgery, phaco-refractive surgery is performed to place multi focal intraocular lenses. In this way, it is possible to correct the graduation for far and near vision in the same intervention. 

    It is a quick procedure, which lasts about 15 minutes, in which local anaesthesia is applied and is completely painless. During it, a micro incision is made to remove the lens and implant the intraocular lens. 

    In Vithas Eurocanarias Instituto Oftalmológico we have replaced the scalpel with the laser in crystalline surgeries to perform the micro incision, which increases the precision and safety of the intervention. 

    Vithas Eurocanarias Instituto Oftalmológico is an Ophthalmologic Ambulatory Major Surgery Centre equipped with cutting-edge technology for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and vision defects, with three exclusive operating rooms for eye surgery. We also have a large medical team specialized in solving refractive problems with more than 20 years of experience.